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Love is our destiny ,it is not in our stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves....

Relationships should be beautiful... ๐Ÿ˜Š

Posted on October 20 2017 by Sonam Gupta

The relationship is our very state of mind. It is how i am relating to others. It may be person , books, animals anything.Life is a relationship. There is no moment when we are not relating to something. So for our beautiful relationships we should understand what are the basis of relationships.
The first one is completely material like iron attract to magnet completely dead relation where I do not even understand what is happening. I have just been conditioned.
The second one is  the animal form of relationship, where you are relating to the other only out of temptation because either you want something or because you are afraid.
The third one is human basic which is of love and love alone. A relationship based on love is the relationship free of condition and expectation because love doent not impose conditions.

Love does not say that if you do this then only  you will be mine. Love does not say that I expect this and this from you. Love does not say that I have invested so much in you from so many years and now it is your time to pay back. Love does not say that if you marry such and such person you cannot be with me.Love is all about "give" how much u can. Love is beautiful and U should have beautiful relations.

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